oriGIn Alerts 22 March 2017: Invitation to the oriGIn presentation of the compilation of all GIs currently protected in the world

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Invitation to the oriGIn presentation of the compilation of all GIs currently protected in the world

In the framework of the 37th Session of the WIPO Standing Committee on the Law of Trademarks, Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications (SCT), oriGIn is pleased to invite you to a side-event on “oriGIn compilation of all GIs currently protected in the world: Work in progress” (please see the program attached), which will take place on Monday 27 March at 1 pm. A light lunch will be offered at 1 pm before the beginning of the discussion.

The side-event will be held at:

World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), New Building, Room 0.107
34, chemin des Colombettes, Geneva, Switzerland

The objective of the side-event is to present the oriGIn compilation of all GIs currently protected in the world (overall approach, current status of work & challenges) and to discuss possible ways to improve and update the compilation after its publication.

We look forward to see you in Geneva. 

If you are not already registered for the WIPO SCT, please confirm you participation at ida@origin-gi.com no later than Friday 24 March at 12 noon.


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