26/11/2019 – WIPO: With the EU accession, the Geneva Act will enter into force in February 2020

thumb wipoOn 26 November, the EU deposited with the WIPO its instrument of accession to the Geneva Act of the Lisbon Agreement on Appellations of Origin and Geographical Indications. Being the EU the fifth eligible party to join this treaty , according to its art. 29.2, the Geneva Act will enter into force in February 2020. On oriGIn’s advocacy activity with respect to the Geneva Act of the Lisbon Agreement, please have a look at this page.

Previous to that, on October 17, 2019, the Government of the Dominican Republic had acceded to the Lisbon Agreement, which will enter into force with respect to the country on January 17, 2020. This move is instrumental to the country accession to the Geneva Act. To have a look at the national GIs currently recognized in the Dominican Republic, which can be protected internationally via the Lisbon system, please check oriGIn GIs Worldwide Compilation


This summary has been extracted from an “oriGIn Alert”, which is a service reserved exclusively to oriGIn members.  Click here to join oriGIn 

For more information about oriGIn campaigns at WIPO see the concerning category in the section Policy and Advocacy 


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