23/12/2020 – Origen España: Promotion campaign “Abre los ojos ¡Disfruta!”

thumb abreojosdops thumb 630In November, ORIGEN ESPAÑA launched the campaign “Abre los ojos ¡Disfruta!” (Open your eyes, Enjoy!), with the objective to raise consumers’ awareness on Protected Designation of origin (PDO) and Protected Geographical Indications (PGI) logos for EU food quality products. The campaign aims at helping consumers to recognize the logos as well as fully understand the value and work behind them. The campaign is co-financed by the EU and will last for three years.

For more information, read the press release and follow the campaign on twitter: @DisfrutaIGP_DOP and YouTube: abrelosojosydisfruta

More information on EU Promotion Policy for agricultural products is available on the dedicated page of our website

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