28/04/2022- oriGIn Press release: oriGIn promotes a debate on adequate instruments for American farmers to protect the authenticity of their products and sound strategies for the sustainable development of rural communities in a post-covid scenario
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - Contact: Ms. Ida Puzone ida@origin-gi.com
28 April 2022, Geneva, Brussels, Washington. Over the years, distinctive geographical names have stimulated increased interest in the United States (US). Such names – Geographical Indications (GIs) according to the WTO TRIPs Agreement definition – command a price premium as the result of market differentiation. The sharing of a market by multiple producers in a given geographical area is a distinguishing feature of a GI, and the price premium yields a collective value added that they can share. As trade in GIs grows, the producers generally seek formal recognition of, and legal protection for, their GIs, and they fight against usurpation of their product names and other forms of unfair competition in...