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oriGIn Alerts: #BM2023 #oriGIn2023 #Geneva: oriGIn 2023 Biennial Meeting follow-up

oriGIn Alerts: #BM2023 #oriGIn2023 #Geneva: oriGIn 2023 Biennial Meeting follow-up

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oriGIn  Alerts ‍‍

ï»żJanuary 14 2025 ‍‍

Hello Visitor ‍‍

Updates on GIs developments and oriGIn policy & advocacy activities

17/10/2023-oriGIn 2023 Biennial Meeting follow-up

For the oriGIn 2023 Biennial Meeting, held from 5-7 October, 200 representatives of GI groups, public authorities, international organizations, negotiators, law firms, control bodies, private enterprises and academia, from 40 countries, gathered in Geneva for a unique learning and networking opportunity. The event, which coincided with oriGIn's 20th anniversary, was an opportunity to acknowledge the significant progress achieved by GIs over the years at global level, both as recognized intellectual property rights and as tools for the sustainable development of local communities. The event program mixed...

Website sections for more information 

oriGIn 2023 Biennial Meeting - Follow-up

Press review


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