Alertas oriGIn

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oriGIn Alerts: #Brasil #Evento #SEBRAE #NuevoSocio #Cooperación #Intercambio #MejoresPrácticas #MarcoLegal #Observancia #Controles #Sostenibilidad oriGIn Alerts: #MembersVoice #Publicación #Artesanía #Francia #Afnic #ccTLDs oriGIn Alerts: #BNIC #MarcasDeCertificación #USA #TTAB #CAFC #España #UE #Evocación oriGIn Alerts: #EM2024 #Geneva #Protection #Enforcement: oriGIn 2024 Expert Meeting on GIs Protection and Enforcement: Follow-up and Speakers'presentations oriGIn Alerts: #EM2024 #Geneva #Protection #Enforcement: Last Call to Register for the 2024 oriGIn Expert Meeting on GI protection & enforcement, to held in Geneva on 10-11 October oriGIn Alerts: #ExpertMeeting #Geneva #Registration: Don’t miss oriGIn 2024 Expert meeting, a unique learning and networking opportunity for GI stakeholders interested in the latest developments and challenges related to protection and enforcement oriGIn Alert: #Events #FAO #MASAF #Rome: Call for contributions for the International Conference on “Global Perspectives on Geographical Indications” oriGIn Alerts: #Geneva #ExpertMeeting: Register for oriGIn Expert Meeting 2024 on the latest developments in GI protection and enforcement oriGIn Alerts: #WIPO #Assemblies #SideEvents: oriGIn at the 2024 Assemblies of the Member States of WIPO oriGIn Alerts: #Geneva #ExpertMeeting #Registrations #CallforPresentations: Registrations and the call for presentations for oriGIn 2024 Expert Meeting on the latest developments and challenges related to GI protection and enforcement are now open oriGIn Alerts: #Fontina #Observaciones #Observancia #EUIPO #Alicante #ParmigianoReggiano #Aniversario oriGIn Alerts: #SaveTheDate: En 2024, la reunión de expertos de oriGIn se celebrará en Ginebra los días 10 y 11 de octubre. oriGIn Alerts: #MembersVoice #Evocación #Tequila #USDA #UK #ALC oriGIn Alerts: #Webinar #Sustainability: Launch of the FAO-oriGIn publication “Developing a roadmap towards increased sustainability in geographical indication systems” (Guidelines and Toolkit) oriGIn Alerts: #EE.UU #FarmBill #Dinamarca #SWA #Evocación #MembersVoice #ccTLDs Comunicado de prensa conjunto oriGIn-CRT: En un contexto de incertidumbre económica y aumento de los costos de observancia, la comunidad mundial de las IGs pide legislaciones más sólidas. oriGIn Alerts: #WorldIPDay #ODS #Indicacionesgeográficas: Alcanzar los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible y construir un futuro común oriGIn Alerts: #Sostenibilidad #FAO #oriGIn #Publicación: oriGIn y la FAO lanzan la publicación "Developing a roadmap towards increased sustainability in geographical indication systems" (Directrices y Toolkit) oriGIn Alerts: #NuevaZelanda #UE #FTA #ccTLDs #Francia #Artesanía #Limoges #Afnic #PARL oriGIn Alerts: #IWD2024 #GeographicalIndications #Inclusion: Happy International Women's Day 2024 to the inspiring women of the oriGIn community #MembersVoice #Eventos #México #CRT #Tequila #Italia #Consortium #Protección #Sostenibilidad #India #Observancia #ScotchWhisky oriGIn EU Press release: oriGIn EU welcomes the revision of the EU geographical indications policy oriGIn Alerts: #ReuniónBienal #Candidaturas : Convocatoria de candidaturas para la reunión bienal de oriGIn de 2025 oriGIn Alerts: #Member'sVoice #México #Michoacan #Artesania #Peru #INDECOPI #ComunicadoDeprensa #EUIPO #Marcas #LaIrlandesa oriGIn Alerts: Política de oriGIn relativa a su participación en actividades de observancia en apoyo de sus miembros oriGIn Alerts: #Member's Voice #ComunicadosDePrensa #Asiago #Observancia #PlatanosDeCanarias #Aduanas oriGIn Alerts: End of the year message from the President and the Managing Director of oriGIn oriGIn Alerts: #SpecialEdition #India #Members’Voice #Legislation #TechTools oriGIn EU press release: oriGIn EU welcomes the revision of the EU geographical indications policy oriGIn Alerts: Join Us for the Fourth Regional Consultation on GIs in Europe and Central Asia (Virtual). Register Now!

¡Hazte Miembro! oriGIn la Alianza mundial de Indicaciones Geográficas (IGs)

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