22/04/2020 – Towards a coordinated European GIs agenda to respond to the COVID-19 crisis

thumb Towards a coordinated European GIs agenda to respond to the COVID 19 crisisIn these unprecedented circumstances triggered by the COVID-19 outbreak, while the European GIs sector is making tremendous efforts to keep its value-chains operational, its economic operators are facing unprecedented challenges. It has been mentioned that the agrifood industry has not been as heavily impacted as other sectors, but it is important to take this statement with a measure of caution. The agrifood sector is largely composed of small producers and SMEs, which are more exposed to the challenges the sector is facing, and this is particularly true for EU GIs that rely on an important network of small and medium-sized companies. These challenges might threaten the very existence of some of them, in particular small producers.

See the oriGIn EU position paper Towards a coordinated European GIs agenda to respond to the COVID-19 crisis

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