Biblioteca electrónica

– Addor F., Thumm N., Grazioli A. (2002), “Geographical Indications: Important Issues for Industrialized and Developing Countries“, the Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS) Report, May 2003

– Addor F., Grazioli A., (2002), “Geographical Indications beyond Wines and Spirits – A Roadmap for a better protection for Geographical Indications in the WTO TRIPS Agreement“, the Journal of World Intellectual Property, Vol.5 November 2002, pp  865-897

– Agence Française de Développement (AFD), Fonds Français pour l’Environnement Mondial (FFEM), “Indications géographiques: qualité des produits, environnement et cultures”

– Barham, Elizabeth (2003), “Translating terroir: the Global Challenge of French AOC Labeling”, Journal of Rural Studies, Volume 19, Issue 1, January 2003, 127-13

– Bérard L. et Marchenay P. (1999) « La notoriété à l’épreuve du terrain : relation à la zone de protection, aux pratiques techniques, à la dénomination du produit », in Innovative marketing strategies for cheeses with protected designation of origin. 3rd plenary meeting, FAIR programme CT96-1562

– Bérard L., Cegarra M., Djama M., Louafi S., Marchenay P., Roussel B., Verdeaux F. (2005), “Local ecological knowledge and practice : an original approach in France”, Les Notes de l’Iddri, N°8, Paris

– Bérard, L., Marchenay, P. (2006), “Productions localisées et indications géographiques : prendre en compte les savoirs locaux et la biodiversité”, Revue internationale des sciences sociales, 2006/1, N° 187, pp.115-122 

– Bérard, L., Marchenay, P., “IG et marques, Des outils en devenir ?”, Courrier de la Planète, n°83, CNRS, France, pp.36-39 

– Cartier, S. (2004), «Terroirs en nuances», Strates, Jeune recherche, la vitalité d’un laboratoire, Numéro 11. 2004 

– Charrouf Z. (2007), “L’arganier, levier du développement humain du milieu rural marocain, synthèse, colloque international”, Faculté des Sciences, Université Mohammed V-Agdal, Maroc, 27-28 avril 2007 

– Correa, Carlos M. (2002), Protection of Geographical Indications in CARICOM Countries, September 2002

– Dutfield, Graham (2003), Protecting Traditional Knowledge and Folklore: A Review of Progress in Diplomacy and Policy Formulation, UNCTAD-ICTSD Project on IPRs and Sustainable Development, Issue Paper No. 1, June 2003

– EU Commission (2008)Evaluation of the CAP policy on protected designations of origin (PDO) and protected geographical indications (PGI), Final Report, November 2008

– EU Commission (2011) European Union 1000th quality food name registered in the EU  

– Evans G. E. and Blakeney M. (2006), “The Protection of Geographical Indications after Doha: Quo Vadis?” Journal of International Economic Law, Volume (9)

– Fautrel Vincent, Sureau Solene, Thirion Marie-Cecile and Vittori Massimo, “Protected Geographical Indications for ACP Countries: A Solution or a Mirage?” (ICTSD,Eclairage, Volume 8 • Number 6)  

– Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), SINER-GI, “Linking places, people, products” (Guide) 

– Fort, F., Remaud, H., « Le processus de mondialisation dans la valorisation des produits agroalimentaires à travers le concept de terroir. Contrainte ou opportunité?», Agro-Montpellier – UMR MOISA   

– Giovannucci Daniele, Josling Tim, Kerr William, O’Connor Bernard, Yeung May T.,”Guide to Geographical Indications Linking products and their origins” 

– U.Gökovalı, J.Bingen, YÜciTA (2016) A Synthesis of the Antalya International Geographical Indications Seminars

– “Impact of a Geographical Indications on Agriculture and Rural Development“, Comté Cheese (ppt, 1,88Mb)

– Kasturi Das (April 2004), “Geographical Indications in jeopardy 

– Marescotti, A. (2003), “Typical products and rural development: Who benefits from PDO/PGI recognition?”, 83rd EAAE SEMINAR, Food Quality Products in the Advent of the 21st Century: Production, Demand and Public Policy, 4th-7th September, 2003, Chania, Greece 

– O’Connor, Bernard (2003), Geographical Indications in International and National Law, Monograph 6, O’Connor and Company, a comprehensive overview of EC, WTO, WIPO and other laws for the protection of geographical indications

– Rangnekar, D. (2004), “The Socio-Economics of Geographical Indications, A Review of Empirical Evidence from Europe”, UNCTAD-ICTSD, May 2004 

– Rangnekar, Dwijen (2003), “The Socio-Economics of Geographical Indications: A Review of Empirical Evidence from Europe, Draft“, UNCTAD/ICTSD Capacity Building Project on Intellectual Property Rights and Sustainable Development, October 2003

– ” RESSOURCES DES TERROIRS” Site Internet, CNRS, Muséum national d’histoire naturelle

– Reviron, S., Thevenod – Mottet, E., El Benni, N. (2009), “Geographical Indications: creation and distribution of economic value in developing countries”, Working Paper No 2009/14, march 2009

– Samper, L.F. (2007), “Café de Colombia: protecting and promoting a well-known origin”, National Federation of Coffee Growers of Colombia, Beijing, Chine, Juin 2007

– Schüβler Lennart (2009), “Protecting ‘Single-Origin Coffee’ within the Global Coffee Market: The Role of Geographical Indications and Trademarks” (The Estey Centre Journal of International Law and Trade Policy, Volume 10 Number 1 2009/p. 149-185)

– Silva, G. (2008), “Geographical Indications: The Case of Colombian Coffee”, CEO, National Federation of Coffee Growers of Colombia, mai 2008

– Tregear, A. (2001), “What is a typical local food’? An examination of territorial identity in foods based on development initiatives in the agrifood and rural sectors“, Centre for Rural Economy, Working Paper 58, January 2001

– UNCTAD (2005), UNCTAD Biotrade Initiative

– Vincent, E., Flutet, E., Nairaud, D. (2008), « aoc et aop : un système de reconnaissance des terroirs au service du développement durable », Géosciences, numéro 7/8, mars 2008, INAO 

– WIPO Magazine (February 2011), “Parmesan – The King of Cheeses





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