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    oriGIn Alerts: #EM2024 #Geneva #Protection #Enforcement: Last Call to Register for the 2024 oriGIn Expert Meeting on GI protection & enforcement, to held in Geneva on 10-11 October oriGIn Alerts: #ExpertMeeting #Geneva #Registration: Don’t miss oriGIn 2024 Expert meeting, a unique learning and networking opportunity for GI stakeholders interested in the latest developments and challenges related to protection and enforcement oriGIn Alert: #Events #FAO #MASAF #Rome: Call for contributions for the International Conference on “Global Perspectives on Geographical Indications” oriGIn Alerts: #Geneva #ExpertMeeting: Register for oriGIn Expert Meeting 2024 on the latest developments in GI protection and enforcement oriGIn Alerts: #WIPO #Assemblies #SideEvents: oriGIn at the 2024 Assemblies of the Member States of WIPO oriGIn Alerts: #Geneva #ExpertMeeting #Registrations #CallforPresentations: Registrations and the call for presentations for oriGIn 2024 Expert Meeting on the latest developments and challenges related to GI protection and enforcement are now open oriGIn Alerts: #SaveTheDate : En 2024, la réunion d'experts d’oriGIn se tiendra à Genève les 10 et 11 octobre Joint Press release oriGIn-CRT: In a context of economic uncertainty and raising enforcement costs, the global GI community calls for more robust legislations oriGIn Alerts: #Durabilité #FAO #oriGIn #Publication : oriGIn et la FAO lancent la publication « Developing a roadmap towards increased sustainability in geographical indication systems » (Lignes directrices et Toolkit) oriGIn Alerts: #IWD2024 #GeographicalIndications #Inclusion: Happy International Women's Day 2024 to the inspiring women of the oriGIn community oriGIn Alerts: End of the year message from the President and the Managing Director of oriGIn oriGIn EU press release: oriGIn EU welcomes the revision of the EU geographical indications policy oriGIn Alerts: Join Us for the Fourth Regional Consultation on GIs in Europe and Central Asia (Virtual). Register Now! oriGIn Press Release: The international GI community is currently gathering in Geneva – one of the world capitals of global governance for intellectual property, trade and sustainable development – at the occasion of the 2023 oriGIn Biannual Meeting oriGIn Alert: Réunion biennale d’oriGIn 2023, Genève, du 5 au 7 octobre 2023 (présentielle) : Informations et inscriptions oriGIn Press Release: oriGIn at the 2023 WIPO Worldwide Symposium on Geographical Indications oriGIn Alerts: Communiqué de presse: Du local au global de manière durable : Les indications géographiques font preuve de résilience et de vision à long terme dans une période d'inflation et de hausse des coûts énergétiques oriGIn Alerts: #WorldIPDay #Women #WIPO #Tips: Videos featuring oriGIn members published by WIPO at the occasion of the 2023 World Intellectual property Day oriGIn Alerts: #WorldIPDay #GeographicalIndications: Happy World Intellectual Property Day! oriGIn Alerts: #Survey #Trends #Singapore #INTA: The results of our 2023 ‘GI Trends’ Panel survey will be presented in Singapore on 18 May, during the INTA Annual Meeting oriGIn Alerts: Save the date: Réunion biennale d’oriGIn 2023 (5-7 octobre, Genève) oriGIn EU Press release: GI review enters a crucial phase: An opportunity to further strengthen the EU GI system and contribute to the transition to a more sustainable agriculture oriGIn Alerts: End of the year message from the President and the Managing Director of oriGIn oriGIn Press release: oriGIn presents the first edition of its ‘GI Trends’ Panel at the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in Geneva oriGIn Alerts: #Event #Geneva #WIPO #Survey #EconomicTrends: On 5 December in Geneva, at the World Intellectual property Organization (WIPO), oriGIn presents the results of the 2022 “GI Trends” Panel oriGIn Alerts: Vidéo-conférence sur les IG dans le secteur des spiritueux : tendances et opportunités de coopération, organisée par oriGIn et WIRSPA oriGIn EU Press release: Revision of the Geographical Indication Policy: oriGIn EU welcomes Mr. Paolo De Castro willingness to improve the Commission’s proposal oriGIn Alerts: Événement en ligne « Le système d’aide à la décision environnementale (EDSS) : un nouvel outil pour soutenir des filières AOP IGP durables et efficaces en Europe, développé dans le cadre du Projet LIFE TTGG » oriGIn Press release: oriGIn promotes a debate on adequate instruments for American farmers to protect the authenticity of their products and sound strategies for the sustainable development of rural communities in a post-covid scenario oriGIn Alerts: Participez à notre prochain webinaire sur les Indications Géographiques en Afrique : Lancement du manuel d'AfrIPI
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