19/06/2014 – WEBINAR: American Origin Products: Producers Tell Their Story, Burlington, VT

This is the third panel in a series of ten on the theme of “American Origin Products and the TTIP: Collaboration for Rural Development.”

Register to attend in person and find more information here:


​Register to attend the live streaming webinar here: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/9031359182666209793

Regionally identified foods (Idaho potato, Napa Valley wine, Kona Coffee) are among the best known, highest value products of the US. They enjoy a strong reputation for quality and have a large impact on rural economies. They offer variety of choice to consumers while preserving local traditions and cultural heritage. In many cases they enjoy thriving export trade with room to grow.

This third panel/webinar in the series is dedicated to providing a first-hand view of the situation of origin products in the United States from origin producers themselves.

Roger Allbee, past director of the Vermont Agency of Agriculture & Food Markets, will open the session with information on the state-level programs Vermont has pursued with and for their origin product producers.

Jacques Couture, Chair of the Vermont Maple Sugar Makers’ Association, will share some of the history and significance of maple production in Vermont and describe how U.S. states and Canadian provinces are collaborating to bring high quality maple products to the world market in a time of growing demand.

Isaura Andaluz, Executive Director of Cuatro Puertas, a non-profit that works to conserve and promote New Mexico Native Chiles, will explore the challenges these producers face in maintaining production and authenticity of this historic product while expanding markets to better support producers and their communities. 

Patrice McCarron, Executive Director, Maine Lobstermen’s Association, will discuss the measures they are taking to assist their lobstermen in protecting the identity in trade of this iconic New England product.

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