La technologie au service de la protection, de la mise en œuvre, de la traçabilité et de la durabilité des IG

Grâce à l’élargissement constant de sa base associative, oriGIn est devenue au fil des ans une véritable communauté mondiale d’acteurs du secteur des Indications Géographiques (IG). oriGIn est aujourd’hui une plateforme internationale où les associations et les experts se réunissent périodiquement pour partager de bonnes pratiques et lancer de partenariats stratégiques.

Avec un nombre croissant d’acteur du secteur des technologies rejoignant oriGIn en tant que membres associés, de perspectives prometteuses s’ouvrent en matière de technologies innovantes au service des groupements pour la protection, la mise en œuvre, la traçabilité et la durabilité des IG.

Sur cette page, vous trouverez une sélection d’entreprises offrant des services technologiques qui participent régulièrement à nos webinaires et nos réunions en présentiel.

Si votre entreprise souhaite rejoindre cette liste, veuillez svp contacter

Members - country
  • All
  • Italy (2)
  • Switzerland (2)
  • United Kingdom (UK) (2)
  • India (1)

Cerberus IP

Formed in 2005, Cerberus IP provides platinum-standard IP investigation services across the globe. Its resources include:

• State of the art AI Integrated Online Monitoring software
• Teams of on-the-ground field investigators across multiple countries
• Cutting edge online researchers utilizing a range of open-source and subscription-only platforms.


Enersem is a spin-off of the Politecnico di Milano University . We deal with energy efficiency and decarbonisation.

Enersem was involved in analysing energy use in Italian PDO production, contributing to the development of EDSS, the tool for calculating and reducing the product environmental footprint.


GriffeShield is an Italian company with a longstanding mission to make the Internet a better place for its clients. The company has been investing for years in technology and IP expertise to offer global coverage across all dimensions of the web.

GriffeShield operating hubs are in Turin, Milan, and Casale sul Sile (TV), as well as a dedicated desk in Beijing.


INEXTO is a Swiss Company, leading provider of software and services for authentication, secure serialization, volume verification and traceability.

Our technology is already securing over 100 billion products annually in more than 1’700 manufacturing lines in 100 countries.


Oritain is a global leader in applying forensic science and data to verify the origin of products and raw materials. We help world leading producers, manufacturers, and brands comply with regulations, meet ESG commitments, reduce fraud risk, and protect their reputations. Our solution aligns closely with the needs of PGI’s globally, especially in assisting GIs to detect and guard against product fraud and adulteration.


Founded in 1927 in Lausanne, Switzerland, SICPA is a family-owned company and a global leader in security technologies, with a legacy spanning nearly a century. Operating in over 180 countries and with an established presence on all continents, we manage Centers of Excellence and production facilities, highlighting our commitment to the protection of sovereignty worldwide.


Vlinder is a startup with a vision of empowering businesses to harness Blockchain’s power through its innovative platforms: Trag (Authenticity and Supply Chain Traceability Platform), Vantr (Tokenization Platform) and Klefki (Secure, Frictionless ID and Credential Platform). Vlinder’s platform is implemented for Global client base across industries including the Food & Beverages / Distillery sector.

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