06/10/2023-Press Release: The international GI community gathers in Geneva – one of the world capitals of global governance for intellectual property, trade and sustainable development – at the occasion of the 2023 oriGIn Biannual Meeting

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, Geneva, 6 October 2023. Contact: Ms. Ida Puzone ida@origin-gi.com   

The international GI community is currently in Geneva – one of the world capitals of global governance for intellectual property, trade and sustainable development – at the occasion of the 2023 oriGIn Biannual Meeting. Two hundred representatives of Geographical Indications groups, public authorities, international organizations, negotiators, law firms, control bodies, private companies and academia, from 40 countries, are meeting at the oriGIn headquarters for a 3-day event, which represents a unique learning and networking opportunity for public and private Geographical Indications stakeholders worldwide.

“After the 2021 Biennial meeting – organized online due to the pandemic – we are glad to see so much enthusiasm for our main event, finally taking place in-person. While reconnecting with our global network, we are glad to see that, in spite of the pandemic, Geographical Indications have thrived internationally, also in light of the urgent need to find a more sustainable development model, combining economic growth with environmental and social value. In terms of program, a mix of tradition and innovation is creating a favorable environment to share experiences and launch cooperation initiatives. On top of the traditional statutory assembly, conference and field visits, we have provided additional moments for our members and partners to explore opportunities of collaboration, share best-practices and promote services, such as the informal Geographical Indications sessions (on emerging legal issue, cooperation activities, technological tools and alliances for sustainability) as well as exhibition and tasting sessions. We would like to thank our main sponsors (the “Association Suisse des AOP/IGP”, the Federation of Swiss Watch Industry, the “Interprofession du Gruyère”, the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property – IPI and the Swiss Federal Office for Agriculture – OFAG), as well as the members and partners which have reserved GI exhibition, tasting or informal sessions, for their support, which made the 2023 Geneva Biennial Meeting possible”, says Massimo Vittori, Managing Director of oriGIn.

“For me, it is a great honor to have been confirmed as oriGIn President. Over the 2022-2023 biennium, I have put my experience and energy to consolidate the advocacy role of oriGIn, in particular against the dangerous proposals of those wishing to raise the profile of ‘common names’ beyond the one of a limited exception to internationally recognized Intellectual Property Rights. Likewise, I have pushed oriGIn to keep its innovative approach to Geographical Indications, for example through the launch of the “GI Trends” Panel, a survey aimed at monitoring, on an annual basis, the major economic trends and the sentiment of, GIs worldwide. For the future, for oriGIn to remain relevant, I will work with oriGIn team on a few key priorities: consolidating our advocacy efforts worldwide, with the direct support to members involved in enforcement cases, and our implication on the sustainability debate, the implementation – via oriGIn EU – of the new EU regulation on craft and industrial Geographical Indications as well as of the forthcoming “GI Review”, in particular with respect to enhanced protection and groups’ consolidation, and the reproduction of the successful coordination model launched in 2021 via oriGIn EU, to other regions”, says Riccardo Deserti, confirmed oriGIn President at the statutory assembly of 5 October.

The oriGIn 2023 Biennial Meeting will continue tomorrow 7 October with the visits to Bienne, to discover the craft GI Swiss Watches, and to Gruyères, to discover the cheese GI Gruyère.

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