Mr. Massimo Vittori
Managing Director
Massimo Vittori is the Managing Director of oriGIn, in charge of the Organization’s strategic planning and overall management.
Massimo previously worked as legal advisor at the International Trade Center (ITC) – a technical assistance agency of the World Trade Organization and the United Nations – where he was in charge of several projects in the field of intellectual property, trade law harmonization, model contacts for SMEs and alternative business dispute resolution mechanisms. Massimo also worked at the United Nations Conference for Trade and Development (UNCTAD) on the improvement of developing countries’ investment climate through regulatory reforms.
Following his Bachelor Degree in International Relations, Massimo obtained a Master’s Degree in International Law at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies of Geneva and an LL.M. in Intellectual Property at the University of Turin.
Massimo regularly delivers seminars on GIs, trademarks and trade related issues in several European Universities.

Ms. Ida Puzone
Operations and Member Relations Manager
Ida Puzone is the Operations and Member Relations Manager at oriGIn. In this role, she works with the Managing Director to implement the organization’s strategies and main activities, oversee specific projects, and manage relationships with members.
Ida began her career at an Italian law firm. Following this, after a period at the international group “Pirelli Cavi e Sistemi Spa,” she moved to the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (OHIM, now EUIPO) in Alicante, Spain, where she focused on intellectual property.
Ida holds a law degree from the University Federico II in Naples, Italy, and an LL.M in Intellectual Property and Information Technology (Magister Lvcentinvs) from the University of Alicante.

Ms Amandine Legros
EU Representative
Amandine Legros is the representative of oriGIn in Brussels. She is in charge of the relations with the European Institutions and stakeholders at the European level.
Amandine recently joined Insight Consulting. She provides political advice to oriGIn and to several French and Italian associations of geographical indications producers and advises them on their communication campaigns and their relations with European Institutions. Her expertise covers questions linked to intellectual property, agriculture, environment, and trade. Previously she worked for a European trade association representing the spirit sector. She also gained experience working in a French prefectural cabinet.
She holds a degree in International Relations from the University of Geneva as well as a master’s degree from the Institute for European Studies in Brussels.

Mr. Luis Fernando Samper
Sustainability manager
Luis Samper is the Sustainability Manager of oriGIn. He has over 15 years of experience in Geographical Indications and sustainability matters. He also does consultancy work in the field of GIs and IP strategy, has written a number of academic articles on the subject, and has been instrumental, with the support of FAO, to develop oriGIn´s sustainability strategy for GIs.
Previously, he successfully led the process of defense and recognition process of Café de Colombia as a Protected Geographical Indication in the European Union and Switzerland, the first non-European GI to obtain such recognition, and Certification Mark status in the United States and Canada. He also coordinated the launch of Café de Colombia´s sustainability reports, starting in 2011. He also was president of Origin between 2005 and 2009.
He has been invited by European Union, WIPO and several domestic associations as lead speaker or panelist on Geographical Indications in several conferences, seminars and forums in the Americas, Asia and Europe, including INTA and the Worldwide Symposium on Geographical Indications of 2005 (Parma-Italy), 2007 (Beijing-China), 2011 (Lima-Peru), and 2017 (Yangzhou- China).
Luis´ academic background includes an Economics degree and an MSc in Law, an MBA and a specialization in Intangible Valuation. He is co-author of different academic papers published in international journals, such as Food Policy, WIPO Working papers and the Journal of the Commons, and of the book “Juan Valdez, the Strategy Behind the Brand”.
Executive Commitee

Mr. Riccardo Deserti (Italy)
President of oriGIn & Director General of Consorzio Parmigiano Reggiano

Mr. Sébastien Breton (France)
General Delegate, Conseil National des Appellations d’Origine Laitières (CNAOL)

Mr. Fernando Cano Treviño (Mexico)
Chief Representative Officer for Europe & Spokesperson, Consejo Regulador del Tequila (CRT)

Mr. Valery Eliseeff (France)
Director, Comité interprofessionel du Comté

Mr. Alain Farine (Switzerland)
Director, Association Suisse des AOP et IGP

Mr. Gianluigi Ligasacchi (Italy)
Director, Instituto Salumi Italiani Tutelati (ISIT)

Mr. Cesare Mazzetti (Italy)
President, Comitato Acquaviti, Associazione Nazionale Industriali Distillatori di Alcoli e di Acquaviti (AssoDistil)

Mr. Federico Moncunill Gallo (Spain)
Executive Commitee, Origen España, Asociación española de denominaciones de origen

Mr. Alan Park (United Kingdom)
Director, Legal Affairs, Scotch Whisky Association (SWA)

Ms. Maria José Sanchez Rey (Colombia)
IP Coordinator Federación Nacional Cafeteros de Colombia (FNC)

Mr. LI ZHIPING (China)
Vice-President, China National Institute of Standardization (CNIS)

Ms. Maria Mercedes Sánchez (Guatemala)
In charge of the GI “Rones de Guatemala”, Asociación Nacional de Fabricantes de Alcoholes y Licores (ANFAL)

Mr. Marco Antonio HUAJA ESTRADA (Peru)
President, Consejo Regulador de la DO Café Villa Rica

Ms. Isaura Andaluz (USA)
Executive Director, Gaia Poiesis, Member of the Board, American Origin Products Association (AOPA)

Mr. David Gabunia (Georgia)
Manager, oriGIn Georgia

Mr. Angel Pacheco Conejero
President, ORIGEN España, Asociación española de denominaciones de origen

Mr. Giuseppe Olmeti (Italy)
Secretary General and Coordinator, Associazione italiana Città della Ceramica (AiCC) & Project Director AeuCC

Mr. Robert Scholz (Germany)
Lawyer & Manager, Bavaria Brewers Association (Bayerischer Brauerbund)