oriGIn EU

oriGIn EU is the European branch of the Geographical Indications (GIs) global alliance based in Brussels. Established in 2018, oriGIn EU brings together a large community of committed GI stakeholders, including national organisations and individual producers’ groups from five European countries.

oriGIn EU is much more than just an alliance of economic players. We are a passionate and dedicated community, united by our love for Europe’s rich cultural and gastronomic heritage. Together, we work every day to raise the profile of European GIs and preserve their heritage for future generations.

oriGIn EU Manifesto: Five Priorities to Value the Unique Contribution of GIs to European Agriculture and Society. 

Our goals 

  • Monitor and analyse the European legislation
  • Promote the GI concept throughout the EU
  • Campaign for better GI protection and promotion

Our policy areas 

 Our members 

Our community includes all the EU members of oriGIn.

Our direct members are the following EU GI producers’ groups (Consorzi, Consejos Reguladores, Federations, Interprofessions, ODG, etc.) or associations of GI groups in the food sector:

You want more information about us or you want to join

Please contact oriGIn EU Representative, Ms. Amandine Legros at: eu.office@origin-gi.com

Our Executive Committee


Mr. Charles Deparis (France)

Producer of raw Milk for Pont-L'Evêque and Camembert De Normandie. 

Members of the Board

Mr. Sébastien Breton (France)

General Delegate, Conseil National des Appellations d’Origine Laitières (CNAOL)

Sebastien Breton

Mr. Flavio Innocenzi (Italy)

Director, Consorzio di tutela del formaggio Asiago

Mr. Federico Moncunill Gallo (Spain)

Executive Committee, Origen España, Asociación Española de denominaciones de origen

Mr. Robert Scholz (Germany)

Lawyer & Manager, Bavaria Brewers Association (Bayerischer Brauerbund)

Ms. Ana Soeiro (Portugal)

Director, Qualifica/oriGIn Portugal

Ana Soeiro web small

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