Cooperation Projects

GIs play a key role in the sustainable development of local communities. Deeply rooted in a given culture and traditional knowledge, GIs contribute to ensure the conservation of local natural resources and biodiversity. Moreover, GIs prevent the delocalization of production. A GI can only be produced in a given area which confers the product – by virtue of its climate, “terroir” and/or human factors – its specific characteristics.

oriGIn is involved in various technical assistance projects aimed at helping producers and communities take full advantages of the local GI sustainable development potential. oriGIn also advocates for an increase in multilateral and bilateral funds devoted to GI-related projects.

oriGIn/FAO cooperation on GIs and sustainability

02/08/2024-Call for contributions for the International Conference on “Global Perspectives on Geographical Indications” 20/03/2024-oriGIn and the FAO launch the publication : “Developing a roadmap towards increased sustainability in geographical indication systems” (Guidelines and

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LIFE TTGG Project 

Since 2015, oriGIn has been dealing with the topic of sustainability, looking at its economic, environmental and social components. With a growing world population, and its implications in terms of quantity and quality

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oriGIn Worldwide GIs Compilation

Over the years, GIs have gained commercial and economic relevance around the world, benefiting both producers and consumers. GIs have proven to be a value-added marketing differentiator as well as an indicator of

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SINER-GI Project

oriGIn is one of the partners involved in the project “Strengthening INternational Research on Geographical Indications” (SINER-GI). The project aims to build and share a coherent scientific basis world-wide, regarding economic, legal, institutional

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