oriGIn Alerts, 15 January 2015: #Canada #NonAgri #TTIP #India

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#Canada: Two GIs recognized in Quebec (Canada)

On 30 December 2014, the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food of Quebec (MAPAQ) – Canada – granted geographical indications (GIs) protection to two product names: “cidre de glace du Québec” (Quebec Ice Cider) and “vin de glace du Québec” (Quebec Ice wine). 

Quebec Ice Cider is the result of the combination of three factors: the characteristics related to the apple production in Québec; the subsequent development of cider production; and innovation consisting in using natural cold to concentrate the sugars in the apple and its juice. As for Quebec Ice wine, Québec’s winter climatic conditions (cold, wind, low air humidity and freeze-thaw cycles) cause the grapes’ natural drying as well as the evaporation of water, thus allowing the concentration of sugars, aromas, flavours and high acidity in the product.

The “Association des cidriculteurs du Québec” and the “Association des Vignerons du Québec” played a key role in achieving such recognitions, together with the “Conseil des appellations réservées et des termes valorisants” (CARTV), the government body (and an associate member of oriGIn) in charge of the administration of the Quebec GI system.

Together with the “Agneau de Charlevoix” (2009), there are now 3 GIs officially recognised in Quebec: http://www.cartv.gouv.qc.ca/en/register-quebec-recognized-reserved-designations The next step will be to seek international protection. In this context, the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA), concluded by Canada and the European Union (EU) in September 2014 (see http://www.origin-gi.com/images/stories/PDFs/English/Bilaterals/oriGIn_-_agreements_not_ratified_-_15_12_2014_mv_3.pdf) might represent an interesting opportunity. This would require consultation and coordination with the Canadian central authorities (for the time being Canada, has not yet notified any GI to be protected in the EU under the CETA).


#NonAgri: oriGIn shapes the debate on the establishment of a Community legal framework for non-agricultural GIs

On 19 January 2015, our Director Massimo Vittori has been invited by the European Commission to speak at the Conference on “Geographical indication (‘GI’) protection for non-agricultural products: What do we learn from the public consultation? What’s next?”. The event – which will take place in Brussels – has the objectives to present the results of the public consultation – launched in July 2014 by the European Commission – on the establishment of a EU legal framework for non-agricultural GIs and discuss with experts and stakeholders the way forward. More information about this event @ http://ec.europa.eu/internal_market/indprop/geo-indications/index_en.htm#maincontentSec1

Likewise, on 22 January, our Project Manager Ida Puzone will deliver a presentation at the seminar on “GI protection for non-agricultural products in the EU”, organized in Macael (Spain) by the “Junta de Andalucia”. Macael, known as “La Ciudad del Oro Blanco” (the city of white gold), is renowned for the production of white high quality marble which represents the main source of local economy. For more information about this event see the Program 

More information on the oriGIn position on GI protection for non-agricultural products in the EU is available @ http://www.origin-gi.com/index.php/en/activities/policy-and-advocacy/item/8149-gi-protection-for-non-agricultural-products%E2%80%99-names-in-the-eu.html


#TTIP: the 8th round of negotiations in Brussels

The 8th round of negotiations of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), a comprehensive free trade agreement between the EU and the United States (http://www.origin-gi.com/images/stories/PDFs/English/Bilaterals/oriGIn_-_agreements_under_negotiation_-_15_12_2014_mv_3.pdf) will take place in Brussels on the first week of February. 

Like in 2014 (http://www.origin-gi.com/index.php/en/site_content/117-news/6761-16-07-2014-origin-ttip-stakeholder-presentations-events.html), oriGIn and its members will follow the negotiations (in particular the stakeholders meeting with the negotiators, scheduled on 4 February) to reiterate the GI sector expectations in the framework of the TTIP. In this respect, on 7 January, the Commission published the EU negotiating texts in TTIP. The Intellectual Property Rights negotiating text (within which the GIs provision are contained) has not been published for the time being (only a factsheet is available, see http://trade.ec.europa.eu/doclib/press/index.cfm?id=1230)


#India: GI registrations keep growing

Since the Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration & Protection) Act, 1999, came into force on 15 September, 2003, India has experienced a tremendous increase in terms of GI registrations. At the moment, some 215 GIs are registered at the Chennai-based GI Registry, including some foreign GIs: Champagne and Cognac from France, Parma ham from Italy, Tequila from Mexico, Porto and Douro from Portugal and Napa Valley from the US. The full list is available @ http://ipindia.nic.in/girindia/  

At the beginning of January, 10 GI applications have been filed for horticulture products from the northeast: Naga tree tomato, Arunachal orange, Sikkim large cardamom, Mizo chilli, Assam Karbi Anglong ginger, Tripura queen pineapple, Tezpur litchi, Khasi mandarin, Kachai lemon and Memong narang. They are expected to be recognized in March 2015.

Read more @ http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/guwahati/10-NE-products-to-get-GI-tag/articleshow/45827974.cms 





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