oriGIn Alerts 25 January 2018: #Africa #GIs #SustainableDevelopment #EU #Consultation #Counterfeiting #E-learning #Partnership #ITC

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#Africa #GIs #SustainableDevelopment: Workshop “Brand your Morocco & your Africa”

On 18 January, oriGIn spoke at the “Brand your Morocco and your Africa – l’Empreinte de la marque Maroc comme porte-parole d’une vision africaine” workshop, organized in Casablanca, Morocco, by the publishing house Langages du Sud.

oriGIn, together with the representative of the GI “Poivre de Penja”, stressed the importance of protecting and promoting GIs in Africa. GI is a sustainable development tool which suits Africa, where countries are rich of agricultural and artisan products. Through the “Poivre de Penja” success story, the GIs benefits for products and communities in terms of quality recognition, market access and development were highlighted.  


#EU #Consultation #Counterfeiting: Public consultation on Counterfeit and Piracy Watch-List

On 22 January, the European Commission launched a consultation to identify online and physical marketplaces situated outside the European Union that are reported to engage in or facilitate substantial intellectual property rights (IPRs) infringements, and in particular piracy and counterfeiting.

The European Commission will publish a “Counterfeit and Piracy Watch-List” in 2018, which will be updated regularly. The list will identify and describe the most problematic marketplaces, with special focus on online marketplaces, to encourage the responsible national authorities to take the necessary actions to reduce the availability of IPRs infringing goods or services.

Stakeholders (including GIs beneficiaries) have the possibility to answer to this online consultation as well as to send additional written comments to TRADE-IPMARKETSWATCH-LIST@ec.europa.eu – The deadline to submit information is the 31 March 2018.


#E-learning #Partnership #ITC: Online course “Adding Value to Origin Products Through Geographical Indications (GIs)”

The oriGIn/ITC (International Trade Center) online course “Adding Value to Origin Products Through Geographical Indications (GIs)” will be available again (3rd edition) on 19 February 2018. Interested people can register @ https://learning.intracen.org/course/info.php?id=234  

This online course explores the value and benefits in establishing GIs for local products with unique characteristics. It presents the main elements which are involved in GI recognition and introduces participants with the different legal options available to protect GIs. Finally, it touches upon the resources and investments needed to establish a GI, and showcases the roadmap and actions necessary to complete the GI recognition process.  



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