In 2021, as part of the Sustainability Strategy for Geographical Indications (SSGI), the FAO and oriGIn efforts have focused in developing and testing tools for GIs groups for assessing current sustainability performances (economic, social, environmental and governance) and improving them. In this respect, we have finalized a solid sustainability indicators database.
This tool connects possible sustainability priorities to 372 indicators that not only can measure the GI performance in each area of interest (economic, social, environmental and governance), but also to other sustainability frameworks, such as the UN´s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) or the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). In addition, the sustainability indicator database classifies each indicator characteristics in terms of usability, type, definition and requirements, among several attributes.
With respect with some of the issues currently discussed at the COP26, two crucial theme – deforestation and methane production – are part of the FAO / oriGIn list of sustainability priorities to be considered by interested GIs. We look at the first topic in a comprehensive manner, through a robust framework that also considers the maintaining of forest habitats, which also include topics such as ecosystem diversity, species diversity and genetic diversity. It is not just about avoid deforestation, but also about maintaining the diversity that makes woods and agroforestry production viable. Similarly, in terms of gas emissions associated with production, the SSGI considers a number of greenhouse gas emissions – in addition to methane (CH4), water vapor (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O), and ozone (O3).The SSGI also considers emissions that may affect air quality, such as the prevention of air pollutants and odor contamination.
The complete sustainability indicators database is expected to become available to oriGIn members in 2022.