On 20 December the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and oriGIn hosted the ” Third Regional Consultation on Geographical Indication in Europe and Central Asia – Virtual “.
The online meeting was organized in the context of an FAO project aimed at supporting the development of GIs in Russia, Republic of Moldova, Georgia and a group of Central Asian countries (Kazakhstan, Republic of Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan) by comparing the situation of those countries with the one of selected EU Member States, namely France, Poland, Hungary and Croatia. See the detailed program.
Presentations (Plenary):
- Presentation of the study on the global GIs situation and main findings of 10 country/region reports selected by the project: Massimo Vittori (oriGIn)
- The reform of the EU GI system and cooperation activities with countries in Central Asia, Mr. Francis Fay, Head of Unit Geographical indications, DG Agri (EU Commission)
- Presentation on the recent developments of the WIPO Geneva Act, Alexandra Grazioli, Director, Lisbon Registry (WIPO)
- International cooperation to support GI as a tool for sustainable food system, Florence Tartanac, senior officer, Food and Nutrition Division (FAO)
Presentations (Group sessions):
- Group 1 (coordinated by Massimo Vittori, oriGIn): Studies concerning EU and western European countries (Croatia, France, Hungary, Poland, UK)
- Group 2 (coordinated by Darek Goszczyński): Studies concerning Easter European countries and Central Asia (Georgia, Moldova, Montenegro, Russia as well as Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan)