2024 oriGIn ‘GI Trends’ Panel survey: Monitoring the major trends affecting, and the sentiment of, GIs worldwide. Trend topic: GI groups legal costs

Since 2022, oriGIn monitors once a year the major trends affecting, and the sentiment of, GIs worldwide through a survey sent to the associations representing some of the 25 most relevant GIs in terms of turnover and export (the survey it is not limited to oriGIn members). The results of previous editions are available here .

The survey contains 13 questions which require no more than 10 minutes to be answered. No figures are to be provided (except turn-over, export, jobs and GI area dimensions but only trends and expectations. Five core questions are permanently part of the survey (1 to 5); the second group of questions (6 to 13) changes every year (the 2024 trend topic concerns GI groups legal costs).

This initiative has the objective to strengthen the common identity of GIs worldwide as well as support the voice of GIs advocacy campaigns vis-à-vis policymakers.

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