
27/06/2024-Job & training opportunities in the GI sector

Discover some recent interesting job & training opportunities within institutions (groups, associations, public institutions, private bodies, …) of the GI sector: Juriste, Bureau Interprofessionnel des Vins de Bourgogne – Bourgogne Wine Board (BIVB). Chargé.e de missions technique et réglementaire ,…

06/05/2024-Job & training opportunities in the GI sector

Discover some recent interesting job & training opportunities within institutions (groups, associations, public institutions, private bodies, …) of the GI sector: Chef·fe de la division économique 100%, Fédération de l’industrie horlogère suisse FH Legal Counsel , Scotch Whisky Association (SWA)…

25/04/2024-The results of our 2024 ‘GI Trends’ Panel survey presented in Guadalajara at the occasion of the celebrations of the 30th Anniversary of the Consejo Regulador del Tequila (CRT) and the 50th Anniversary of the recognition of the Appellation of Origin “Tequila”

On 25 April oriGIn presented in Guadalajara (Mexico) – at the occasion of the celebrations for the 30th anniversary of the ‘Consejo Regulador del Tequila’ (CRT) and the 50th anniversary of the appellation ‘Tequila’ – its 2024 ‘GI Trends’ Panel,…

30/04/2024-Comunicado de prensa conjunto: oriGIn y Consejo Regulador del Tequila lamentan la desaparición prematura de Carlos Castañeda, quien personificó en los últimos años a Juan Valdez ® al personaje emblemático del Café de Colombia

El Consejo Regulador del Tequila (CRT), entidad que agrupa a los actores de la cadena agave-Tequila y cuyo objetivo es salvaguardar la Denominación de Origen del Tequila en México y el extranjero, y oriGIn, organización global con sede en Suiza …

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