27/10/2020 – Series of webinars on “Contributing to SDGs through quality linked to geographical origin”. Online event on “Trends in the wine sector”
Online event on “Trends in the wine sector”, organized in cooperation with EQUALITAS Date: 27 October Time: 3 to 5 pm (CET) Program and presentations 15:00-Opening, background and objectives: Mr. Massimo Vittori (oriGIn) 15:05-Keynote: Sustainability certification in viniculture: a…
29/10/2020 – Brexit: Online forum on the future of GIs in the UK
As Brexit negotiations enter a crucial face, oriGIn is glad to be a partner of Brand Dialogue in the organization of its annual forum, focused this year on the future of GIs in the UK. The Forum, which will be…
10/09/2020 – Webinar: National Antennas: Towards a more coordinated international GIs movement
The third webinar of the series “The oriGIn International GIs Agenda” was held on 10 September. It was an opportunity to review the criteria and conditions for GIs groups and institutions in a given country to establish an oriGIn national…
16/07/2020 – Webinar on “Evocation: a powerful tool to protect GIs”
The second webinar of the series “the oriGIn International GIs agenda” was held on 16 July, with the participation of GIs groups, IP offices, policy-makers, law firms and universities from 25 countries. It addressed the concept of evocation in the…
30/06/2020 – Webinar on the WIPO Geneva Act of the Lisbon Agreement
On 30 June, we organized the first webinar of our series on the oriGIn International GIs Agenda. Massimo Vittori, Director of oriGIn, opened the session and explained the process which led to the adoption of the Geneva Act in 2015…
05/11/2019 – oriGInEU event in Brussels: GIs, the future of a major pillar of the European food system
On 5 November, with the support of 3 Members of the European Parliament – Ms. Sander, Ms. Tolleret and Mr. De Castro – oriGIn EU will organise in Brussels a meeting on “Geographical Indications: The future of a major pillar…
23-25/09/2019 – oriGIn 2019 Biannual Meeting, Tbilisi, Georgia
The 2019 oriGIn Biannual Meeting was held in Tbilisi (Georgia), on 23-25 September 2019. The meeting was organized in cooperation with the National Intellectual Property Center of Georgia (SAKPATENTI), with the support of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the…
24/09/2019 – International Conference on GIs: speakers’ presentations
Key-note speech The Geneva Act of the Lisbon Agreement and perspectives for the protection of Geographical Indications (GIs) at the international level, Ms. Alexandra Grazioli, Director of the Lisbon Registry, World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Plenary session: Crucial issues…
12/09/2019 – oriGIn at the Seminar “GIs and the EU-Australia FTA”, Adelaide, Australia
On 12 September oriGIn will attend the seminar “GIs and the EU-Australia FTA” What can South Australia learn from the EU?” to take place in Adelaide, Australia. Our Managing Director will deliver a presentation on “Geographical Indications systems: success stories in…
18/07/2019 – GI Events and Recent Publications
GI Events On 02-03 July, our Director attended the WIPO Worldwide Symposium on GIs and delivered a presentation in the panel GIs and common names On 16 July, oriGIn members will speak at the high level seminar on GIs…
30-31/05/2019 – XXV Anniversary of the Consejo Regulador del Tequila, Guadalajara (Mexico)
At the end of May, oriGIn attended the events organized in Guadalajara (Mexico) at the occasion of the XXV anniversary of the “Consejo Regulador del Tequila” (CRT) Several members of oriGIn – “Comité Champagne”, FEDERDOC, “Consorzio Prosecco” and “Bayerischer Brauerbund…
09/04/2019 – oriGIn side event on GIs protection at the next WIPO SCT
On 9 April, in Geneva at the WIPO AB building, room B, from 1 to 3 pm, in the framework of the Standing Committee on the Law of Trademarks, Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications (SCT), oriGIn organized a side event…
01-02/04/2019 – oriGIn @ 16th annual Brand Finance Global Forum
oriGIn is a partner of the 16th annual Brand Finance Global Forum, which will focus on “Understanding the Value of Geographic Branding”, which will be held in London on 2 April. Issues such as – What role should geographic identity…
03-04/10/2018 – oriGIn @ the conference on “Trade Marks and Geographical Indications, Future Perspectives” jointly organized by EUIPO and DG AGRI
On 3-4 October, a conference on “Trade Marks (TM) and Geographical Indications (GIs): Future Perspectives” was held in Alicante, co-organized by the EUIPO and DG AGRI. The conference tackled interesting issues such as GIs as earlier rights in TM opposition…
22/05/2018 – oriGIn @ the 2018 INTA Annual Meeting in Seattle
oriGIn is at the 2018 INTA Annual Meeting in Seattle to speak about the protection of Geographical Indications (GIs) in trade agreements and in the Domain Name Space. Read more on World Intellectual Property Review (WIPR) @ Geographical Indications: Hear…
26/04/2018 – World Intellectual Property Day
Every 26 April WIPO celebrates the World Intellectual Property Day to promote intellectual property rights (IPRs). This year edition is dedicated to women and their role in intellectual property. oriGIn is glad to join in the celebration of the 2018…
20/03/2018 – oriGIn EU launching meeting, Brussels (Belgium)
Following the decentralization strategy approved by oriGIn 2017 General Assembly, European members gathered in Brussels to launch oriGIn EU, the Brussels-based antenna of the global GIs groups alliance. Program Read the Press Release Read the Press
13-14/12/2017 – Speakers’ Presentations: Workshop on “GIs & Africa”
In French Thème 1 : Différencier son produit par une Indication Géographique Modérateur : Monsieur GONOMY – OAPI Intervenants : Définition de l’IG et présentation d’oriGIn – Mme Céline MEYER Le développement des IG sur le continent africain / suivi…
27-28/02/2018 – II International Seminar on Designations of Origin and Geographical Indications, Alicante (Spain)
On 27-28 February 2018 oriGIn will participate in the II International Seminar on Designations of Origin and Geographical Indications, which will take place at the University of Alicante (Spain). The Seminar will count with the participation of experts as well…
13-14/12/2017 – Workshop on “GIs & Africa”, Casablanca, Morocco
The 13th and the 14th December, oriGIn organizes in Casablanca, in partnership with the “Office Marocain de la Propriété Industrielle et Commerciale” (OMPIC), the French “Institut National de la Propriété Industrielle” (INPI), the “Organisation Africaine de la Propriété Intellectuelle” (OAPI)…