Archives Web articles

07/12/2010 – Latest Developments Concerning ACTA

Keep up to date with the latest developments on Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA)! 07/12/2010 – Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA), text finalized at the last meeting in Sydney (Australia) 24/11/2010 – Anti-counterfeiting accord: MEPs set out content conditions for ratifying the deal…

04/11/2010 – All ACP Conference on GIs

An All ACP Conference on Geographical Indications was organized by the Trade.Com Facility from 3-5 November 2010, in Brussels. The Conference brought together ACP producers, policy makers and their EU counterparts to continue the dialogue on the implications of GIs…

25/10/2010 – A Success Story: the Case of Comté

Invitation letter Presentations:– Comté AOP Contribution au développement local, Mr. Claude Vermot-Desroches, President of Comité Interprofessionnel du Gruyère de Comté (CIGC)–  Comté AOP : Leçons à tirer pour les pays en développement, Mr. Massimo Vittori, Secretary General, oriGIn

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