
19/07/2022 – oriGIn EU Reforms: An update on the revision of the EU geographical indications scheme and the new EU legislation on Geographical indications for craft and industrials products

Two major legislative processes related to GIs are currently under discussion at the European level. oriGIn EU is following closely both dossiers. On the one hand, in March the European Commission has proposed a EU geographical indications scheme (revision). Following…

28/04/2022- oriGIn Press release: oriGIn promotes a debate on adequate instruments for American farmers to protect the authenticity of their products and sound strategies for the sustainable development of rural communities in a post-covid scenario

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Contact: Ms. Ida Puzone 28 April 2022, Geneva, Brussels, Washington. Over the years, distinctive geographical names have stimulated increased interest in the United States (US). Such names – Geographical Indications (GIs) according to the WTO…

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